Building Strong Nations & Nation-to-Nation Relationships

Ashmead Law attended the Victoria Bar Association-hosted event, “Building Strong Nations & Nation-to-Nation Relationships”, featuring Kilslay Kaaji Sding Miles Richardson, OC, former President and a renowned leader of the Haida Gwaii Nation.

Mr. Richardson educated and entertained the bar with his tales as an advocate for the Haida. His stories were a great overview of the important work that has been done, and the event provided an insightful path forward for work to continue between Indigenous Nations, the Province, and Canada. Moderator Jacquelyn Miller was host of the event, facilitating meaningful conversation between Mr. Richardson and the bar.

Former provincial ministers attended as well, including Murray Rankin, KC, and Andrew Petter, who were part of the negotiations and gave their insight from the perspective of the Province and Canada.

In listening and speaking to Mr. Richardson, Ashmead Law enhances their ability to represent private persons and businesses whose real estate projects, or other businesses, are impacted by land claims and Canada’s efforts toward reconciliation. Ryan Ashmead discussed with Mr. Richardson and Mr. Rankin, KC, the importance of certainty for investors including confidence in the process to resolve any contractual or property disputes.

Both responded with concrete explanations of how this can and will be accomplished while respecting the rights of Indigenous Nations and their continuing journey toward establishing title claims.

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